Dynamic Trade Routing
Secure The Best Rates For Your Trades
In a DEX, swapping a large quantity of Token A for Token B along a single path often leads to a proportional increase in the price of Token B due to decreased liquidity. Dynamic Trade Routing mitigates this by distributing the large token amount into smaller segments and executing swaps across various paths. This strategy minimizes the impact on Token B's price.
7K Aggregator has Dynamic Trade Routing, aggregating fractured liquidity across DEXs, enabling users to source the most capital-efficient liquidity to support their trades.
For example, if you want to make a 1000 USDC-SUI trade, it may distribute your trade into a 950 USDC-SUI trade on DEX_1, 30 USDC-SUI trade on DEX2, and the rest on the third route to ensure the combined outcomes are optimal for the trade.
The percentage distribution of each swap is dynamically calculated to secure the best possible price. Trade splitting is particularly effective for large transactions and for trades involving tokens with scattered shallow liquidity across multiple exchanges. This approach not only improves pricing but also allows you to see precisely which DEXs are involved and how the amounts are distributed among them.
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